The simplicity of having everything in one place

The complete process of continuous improvement applied to energy use, which also has the potential to reduce the carbon footprint.


All energy sources

Forget endless Excel spreadsheets and multiple databases; EMMA allows you to centralize energy consumption information, grouping each significant energy use and different types of energy used.

Connect information from field meters, databases, and process information to centralize data related to energy management.

Data is stored to maintain historical records, according to ISO 50,001 requirements.

EMMA’s artificial intelligence analyzes the relationship between different variables and defines a predictive model of energy consumption: the energy consumption baseline.

With continuous monitoring and a predictive model for significant use, EMMA can identify deviations from the baseline, alerting users.

Communicating energy performance is simple thanks to the efficiency indicators that EMMA provides to users.


Understand how energy is used.

energy consumption model


You'll always know how to be more efficient

Automated energy efficiency recommendations

Based on the energy performance of different areas where energy is used, EMMA selects the best recommendations to improve energy efficiency.

EMMA prioritizes recommendations, selecting them in a personalized way, creating a true roadmap of improvement opportunities.

Users receive detailed information about the applicable area, expected energy savings percentage, carbon footprint reduction, and an estimate of the implementation cost of the measure.

Work aligned with the company’s sustainability strategy.

Defining goals and working to achieve them is simple. EMMA has a goal manager, where you can define objectives and organize the implementation of various energy efficiency improvement measures.

Once completed, you can measure and verify the results according to IPMVP.

Organize work collaboratively; all involved parties can know the progress, collaborate on implementation, and understand the results.


Improve and showcase your results

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